Thursday, 28 February 2013

Trendy Thursday - Umbre/Skittle Nails

Good Day Guys!
Hope everyone is fine and doing great.
Today i have for you another Trendy Thursday Post so i do hope you enjoy this bit of my day...

Today's Nail Art: Skittle Nails
My Take: Black/Silver Tone Skittles

I had fun doing these nails.
Pinky - Polka Dots
Ring - Seran Wrap Technique
Middle - Rhinestone Pyramid
Pointer - Stripes with a Flower
Thumb - Matte Chunky Glitter

Skittles are really growing on me so don't be to surprised if you see more of it in the near future.
I get bored easily... :/

Don't forget to check out Stacy over at Just For Fun and see her Umbre/Skittle Nails ;)

Why not join in on the fun...

Leave a comment on mines or Stacy's post and we'll get back to you 
as soon as possible.


  1. man! you have neat nails! *jealous - mines are thin and weak!! :( *

    i was wondering if you guys wouldnt mind giving a heads up on what you are going to do for the trendy thursdays..that way, maybe others (like me) can join in on it if we want :D

    also, will you be joining bellezza bee, when she starts her challenge? check her out on FB!...
